Lego Mindstorms EV3 (6-12; Robotics, Coding)
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 engages and challenges students to practice STEM and robotics skills in a “near real world” environment, preparing them for college and career in the technology-infused world.
Students and teachers can leverage the advanced features and functionality of EV3 along with the STEM, robotics, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) lessons to build job-specific skills with a focus on Computer Science, Engineering and specific areas of CTE/vocational education such as Manufacturing, Information Technology, and Pre-Engineering.
The new EV3 Micro-Python programming language, now standard for all EV3 high school content, is an optimized version of Python for microcontrollers. High school students can experience real-world applications of Python, which is a top language to implement Machine Learning (ML). This serves as an excellent foundation to further explore ML and Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts.