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Action in Excellence Award Info

The Central Utah Educational Services (CUES) Region is participating in a recognition project for all school district employees in the Region- the Action in Excellence Award, or AEA.  The Action in Excellence Award is intended for anybody to give gratitude, appreciation, and accolades, or highlight the incredible contributions being made by any school district employee in the CUES Region. Custodial staff, secretaries, bus drivers, crossing guards, TAs, lunch workers, counselors, SROs, school nurses, coaches, teachers, administration, etc. if they work in or for the district, send...

Read more …Action in Excellence Award Info

Portable Planetarium

We are pleased to announce that we are the recipients of a grant from the Utah STEM Action Center to purchase a Digitalis Digitarium portable planetarium system which will be added to our checkout inventory.  Thank you STEM Action Center!  We would also like to thank the community donations from Barney Trucking, Garkane Power, State Bank of Southern Utah, and Zion's Bank.  The generosity of these entities will enable us to literally bring the universe to our regional schools!  Be on the lookout for more information as to when this will be made available....

Science, STEM, Checkout, Planearium

Read more …Portable Planetarium