Art Show Rules & Guidelines
Central Utah Secondary Art Show
Entry Rules & Guidelines

- Schools from the CUES Region School Districts (Tintic, Juab, Sevier, North Sanpete, South Sanpete, Piute, and Wayne) are eligible to participate.
- Open to any 7th - 12 grade student from one of the above-named school districts.
- There will be two divisions, 7-9 grade and 10-12 grade.
- Categories include Digital/Media, Photography, 2D and 3D.
- Work must be appropriate in nature, so as not to show nudity, inappropriate or suggestive clothing or content, violence, illegal activities, or be offensive to any race or religion.
- All work must be completed by the student and the student's original composition. Work should be no more than a year old.
- Trademarked logos, slogans, and licensed characters are not permitted in part or whole.
- All pieces will need to be entered via this Entry Form AT LEAST three days before the drop-off date. Failure to do so may make the piece ineligible for the show.
- Students can enter up to three pieces of work, but not more than two pieces from the same category. Complete one entry form for each submission.
- Entries need to be dropped off on the date listed below, and ready to be hung/displayed.
- Students can opt to try to sell their artwork, but no guarantee is made that the piece will be bought. It will be the student's and/or school's responsibility to complete any transactions.
- All work must have this information (you'll be forced to make a copy of the document) attached to the back of each art piece.
- All two-dimensional works:
- Should be properly framed and ready to hang with a wire hanger.
- Anything on paper should be matted with glass.
- Needs to be sturdy and not falling apart.
- Limit of sizes to 30”x40”
- All three-dimensional and conceptual work:
- Should be self-standing or ready to hang, and stable.
- Limit of sizes to 36”x72”x36”
- Please facilitate student artwork, framing, and submissions. Arrange to have someone drop off and pick up all art on the dates below.
- Complete the online entry form for each student's artwork by using this form by April 30. This will give us time to print labels. Additionally, you can manually enter the entry form information on this Sheet.
- Print and attach this form (or the form on the bottom portion of this page) to the back of each piece of artwork.
- It would be very helpful if you, or your representative, would help hang/display the pieces after dropping them off.
- Entries will be pre-selected at drop-off - Limit the number of entries to 3 per student, but no more than two from the same category.
- Students or schools will need to provide any audio/visual technology, cords, adaptors, etc. to accompany such projects.
- Your school should be represented at the Awards night.
- Ensure your students are not submitting pieces that are showing nudity or violence or are otherwise offensive. Any inappropriate work will be removed from the show.
- Art Drop Off: Tuesday, May 5. 10:00 AM-2:00 PM. Snow College Student Center, Ephraim, UT
- Exhibition: Tuesday, May 6 through Wednesday, May 14
- Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, May 14, 6:00 PM Snow College Student Center
- Art Pick-Up: Immediately following the Awards Ceremony on May 14.
Judging and Awards
- Judging will take place after 2:00 PM on the drop-off day.
- Judges will be selected from community and local artists and will use a standard "student art show judging form" for judging.
- Art teachers will be emailed the following day if any of their students win.
- Numerous Awards will be given in both divisions for each of the four categories.
- A "Best of Show" and the "CUES Purchase Award" will also be selected.
- Snow College will award 2 Summer Snow Workshop Scholarships.
- If possible, the winners (or a representative) should be present at the Awards Ceremony to receive their awards and to take pictures.
Print and attach this information to the back of the artwork:
Print and attach this information to the back of the artwork:
Artist name (please print): ____________________________________________________
Title of work: _______________________________________________________________
Category (2D, 3D, photography, digital/Media) __________________________________
Price (If applicable: __________________________________________________________
Student email: ____________________________________ Phone:___________________
Student Grade Level: ________
Faculty advisor’s (teacher’s) name: ____________________________________________
Faculty email address: _______________________________________________________
School name: ______________________________________ Phone:__________________
Title of work: _______________________________________________________________
Category (2D, 3D, photography, digital/Media) __________________________________
Price (If applicable: __________________________________________________________
Student email: ____________________________________ Phone:___________________
Student Grade Level: ________
Faculty advisor’s (teacher’s) name: ____________________________________________
Faculty email address: _______________________________________________________
School name: ______________________________________ Phone:__________________