Description: Learn about animals by studying bones and skulls. Try to distinguish how animals are uniquely adapted for survival by observing differences in jaws, teeth, eyes, and other structures of the skull.
Pond Turtle shell, Snapping Turtle Skull, Black Bear skull, Beaver skull, Coyote skull, American White Pelican skull, Domestic Duck skull, Red-Tailed Hawk skull, Frog skull, Snake skeleton
Printed materials:
Animal Skulls: A Guide for Teachers, Naturalists, and Interpreters by Richard S. White Jr.
Bears by Deborah Hodge
Beavers by Deborah Hodge
Land Predators of North America by Erin Pembrey Swan
Navajo Coyote Tales by William Morgan, Hildegard Thompson
GRADE/SUBJECT: K-12; Biology, Science (This kit includes relevant curriculum tied to Utah State Core Curriculum Standards)
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This video will provide a quick overview of this kit. More info can be found on the NHME Website.