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Micro:bits (4-12; Coding)

microbit backHands-on coding in YOUR classroom! The micro:bit is a handheld, 5x5 dot matrix programmable micro-computer that can be used for all sorts of cool creations, from robots to musical instruments – endless possibilities! Start with one of the over 200 different free activities and resources, from easy experiments to creative coding challenges. From there you can move to coding it using any web browser in Blocks, Javascript, Python, Scratch, and more; no software is required. The micro:bit has a stamp-sized circuit board, called a 'microcontroller', in that you write programs on a laptop, tablet or smartphone and copy them over via a cable or Bluetooth to be run.
These programs can take full advantage of the micro:bit's I/O (input/output) features like a couple of pushbuttons, temperature sensor, tilt sensor, motion sensor, compass, Bluetooth communications, and a small 5 x 5 dot matrix display.
micro:bit online editor:
Additional resources can be found here.
GRADE/SUBJECT: 4-12; Coding (Kit includes 26 individual micro:bit units)